We received a very striking heading for our letter this month.
What is the BLAZE OF LIFE ?
We can always go to the dictionary and find the explanation of the word BLAZE and we find the meaning to be;
- No: 1 Fire,
- No: 2 Intense Light accompanied by heat.
So then we come up with THE FIRE OF LIFE which is an intense Light accompanied by heat. These wonderful words lead us to; "GOD IS LIGHT AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL."
Because the majority of the population of the world only know a God of wrath we think of a natural fire burning, where this God of wrath will put us, if we do not believe in Him. I can still see the painting before my eyes my Grandparents had hanging on the wall. It was a picture of the edge of earth and below a big raging fire and many people falling into the fire. As a child it used to frighten me so.
So then, we are very grateful for the HOLY SPIRIT which is now leading us into the Truth and showing that THIS CONSUMING FIRE OF GOD IS THE LOVE OF GOD WHICH WILL CONSUME THE FALSE BELIEFS WE HAVE HAD.
"Behold , what manner of LOVE the FATHER has bestowed on us, (Wonderful!!) that we should be called the children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him." 1John 3:1.
So then, the average person in this world continually deals with problems in life and these include family problems, financially as well as in the body, physical or mental. I realize just how prevalent these problems are when I read the E-mails that come to me over the Internet from people who ask me to pray for their child or for their health or other problems they are experiencing. Some of these people are ministers and they, too, are experiencing these same problems. This helps us to realize that, although we have much knowledge and much understanding of Scripture and other writings, we have missed the essential part knowing the True Father of all. This is a teaching by the HOLY SPIRIT for us all, the Body of Christ, we must know Him who raised Jesus from the dead. By hearing His Voice we will be able to turn the problems into opportunities. The essential part of our experience in life is; "to obtain Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ so that our whole Spirit, our whole Soul and our whole Body (financially, socially and physically) might be preserved blameless until the full appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ and faithful is He that calls us into this and faithful is He also to do it." 1Thess 5:23.
Unless, we hear the Voice of the Shepherd, we will not be led into green pastures. The human mind works in the reverse and has no power within itself to preserve itself or its body or circumstances. In other words, Adam is lost in a maze of the 'hellish' beliefs that we have in the un-conscious and these 'hellish' beliefs are usually about God and what God is supposed to be doing. Generally speaking, Christians do not know God and as long as they attribute all the readings in the Old Testament to God, they will never experience the Salvation found only in Jesus the Christ of God. Many Christians still believe that God is the slayer and the giver of Life. Is God responsible for the hurting and other things that happen to us? While we continue to have this observation working in our unconsciousness, we will experience everything that we don't want, because we are still under law - cosmic law.
For as many as are of the works of the law, (working of the carnal mind of flesh) are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one (Jesus) that hangeth on a tree:
This is the law of 'as you sow, so shall you reap.' Consequently, if we attribute evil to God, we will reap evil.
However, " Love believes all things and thinks no evil."
Love, which is God, thinks no evil. Therefore, there cannot be an evil intent in God , but this has not yet become a conscious realization in the Body of Christ where the beliefs that God still deals with people and that God is the rewarder and the punisher of mankind, still exist.
- The God and Father of Jesus does not reward or punish anybody or anything. God simply IS the LIGHT and the LIFE of all that are living on this planet Earth.
- God is the Substance, the Nature, the Form and the Activity of all here today.
We may ask, "If God is the Activity and the Form and the Expression of all here, why is it that some of us experience so many problems?"
The Scripture tells us that this is because of 'ignorance.' "My people are perishing because of ignorance."
- We do not yet KNOW GOD because if we knew God we would not experience those things because "to know God aright, is LIFE ETERNAL."
- Life eternal does not mean, 'sick life eternal' or 'poor life eternal.'
- Eternal Life is 'superabundant in quantity and superior in quality.'
- Therefore, Life itself is totally self sufficient, self maintaining and self sustaining.
In other words, Life doesn't need anything, but if we look in the reverse, we look in the mirror and we see the reverse. When we put a book in front of a mirror we aren't able to read it because the writing is reversed and the Scripture says that as long as we are reading the letter of the Old Testament and the types and the shadows that are contained therein, we are living in the reverse.
We can make any kind of doctrine from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, but the letter kills, It is the Spirit that gives LIFE.
We have just been listening to Kathy Fitz minister to us about LOVE and we know that Love knows no past or future either. Therefore, Love is not in the prophetic. Love is the embalming, the very essence of protection and everything that we need right NOW and when this becomes a realization, all prophesy will cease.
The prophesies, the tongues, the knowledge, in fact everything that we have learned over many years during the period we know as 'time and space,' vanishes away into nothingness because it was all 'idol worship' and even the God we used to worship is an 'idol' because it was a mind formed concept.
We know that G-O-D isn't God.
What then is God? God is Spirit, THE blaze of LIFE. God is a 'total feeling of belonging,''a total feeling of acceptance,' 'a total feeling without guilt, without fear, without anxiety' because perfect love casts out all these things and it disan-nuls it. It neutralises everything that man has ever spoken and this is what is happening, NOW. We are going to read from Ephesians 1 and I would like you to understand what is being revealed in this Scripture. I would like to bring the truth of the Scripture to you in the light of what we have been hearing and in the Spirit of Recognition. Jesus said, "My sheep will hear (or know) my Voice (there will be Re----cognition) and they will not listen to strangers." "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, (by the willed action of God), to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father (the initiator of all Life)."
Jesus said, "My Peace, I give unto you." Jesus knew Himself the way that He was known of God therefore could He say, "My Peace and My Peace is the Peace of the Father, My Peace I give unto you, not as the world gives," because the world cannot give us peace, religion cannot give us peace and all the preaching in the world cannot give us peace -only the Re---cognition of the Voice of the Father can give us Peace.
The Father speaks and says to us, "You are my Beloved Child in whom I am well pleased, NOW."
The Blaze , (Fire) of Life, (God) burns away by His Intense Light accompanied by heat all the false beliefs we have about ourselves. He doesn't say, "You are going to be accepted in the Beloved when you behave yourself or 'when you give your heart to Jesus' or 'when you get baptised in the Holy Ghost' and eventually you will get there."
No, you won't get there - you will never get there believing this. When I was re-generated which means that I was generated before, I was re-generated smack in the middle of the Holiest of All and my Father stood there and He said, "Welcome home Son" and He put a ring on my finger and He put the Robes of Righteousness on me and never re----minded me of my sin or my past because He said, "You don't have a past."
My image doesn't have a past - my image is from Everlasting to Ever-lasting. But the God of this world has blinded the eyes of them which believe not lest the Light of the glorious gospel which is the image of Christ should shine unto us. Christ is the Image of God (not Adam), and the promises were not made to the 'natural man' which is not really 'natural'. Adam in His false sense of life is only natural in the sense that the word 'natural' comes from the word 'horoscope' (The Prophetice).
But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.
In other words, the man who lives in 'time and space' lives under the curse of the prophetic, he is under moral law, having a sense of separation from the Living Father. Man lives under the curse of the past or future. In his ignorance of who he is he believes that he is born and is 'flesh and blood' which cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
Whatever is born must also die, because it is subject to 'time and space' deterioration and ageing and finally death. However, 'I' will never age. "I" am always from everlasting to ever-lasting in the re---cognition that God, my Father, has given me His Peace and I now have a tranquil, harmonious relationship with My Father without any sense of guilt, fear or anxiety about death because there is no death.
If death would be a reality, then God would have created it and then we would be eternally dead, do you hear this beloved?
We must remember that death and deterioration is outside of ourselves. It is something that exists in such a way that it deceives us; it makes us believe that God is the cause of our death as well as our birth. Sometimes we hear someone say, "The Lord took my baby." No beloved, the Lord doesn't take any babies, He doesn't take any children, in fact He doesn't do any thing at all like this. Well, who does this then? We ask this question when we see these things happening around us and especially when we read Old Testament happenings.
We see Moses with the Woman who was brought to him because she was picking up sticks on the Sabbath Day and Moses went to the Lord and said, "Lord, what do I do with this woman?" "Stone her!" Yes, this is what the Scripture says! Are we going to believe that God required the stoning of a women or men because they picked up sticks on the Sabbath Day to keep their children warm?
This is ridiculous, isn't it? However, somehow the Christian Church, because it doesn't understand why problems are happening to people, have formed a doctrine that tells us that God is responsible for both good and evil in the earth - the evil of a righteous god, is this possible?
No, it is not possible but this is the struggle. As we continue reading in Ephesians 1:2 we begin to see a whole different dimension which came to Paul. He says, "Grace and Peace be to you from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." This Scripture doesn't say Yahweh or the Tribal God of the Hebrews but it does say, 'God our Father.' Paul never mentions Yahweh again. It is always the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which Paul introduces. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us (eulogised us) with every thing that He knows."
Everything that God knows is in the Spirit of Re---cognition. Therefore, we can know everything that God thinks by recognizing it. This is being led by the Spirit, because those that are led by the Spirit are the Sons of God. However, we must get to know God aright, because if we know God wrongly according to the Law of Moses we have a battle on our hands. When Jesus came to the Pharisees and the Scribes, they said, "We have Abraham as our father." Jesus said, "No, you haven't. You have your father, the devil" The devil (Tribal belief in a God moral law, like the suicide bombers, which say: "Allah be praised" and then Kill the innocent, is a liar from the beginning.
What is this liar?
Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? (Yahweh the same as Allah, the Tribal gods of morality) let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.
And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.
This is not God, this is the Liar of segregation, the favouring of a special people who are for Yawheh, who did not abode in the Truth and was a liar from the beginning. This concept of God is a killer, a destroyer of life. But Jesus did not come to take life but to give it to those who receive Him.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.
The moral concept of God which Moses gave the Hebrews is the reverse of the image of Jesus it is Anti Christ (the persona or that thing which veils our understanding from seeing the truth, from seeing and knowing the invisible.) Whatever we can see as this world is not the reality - the reality of Life is the invisible creation which God created that is never subject to change.
In other words, we can always measure ourselves. Whatever is subject to change is temporal and was not God created.
Therefore, we can easily select that which we know is eternal and Love IS ETERNAL, praise the Holy Name of Jesus. Gradually we will begin to deduce and find out that in Reality we are the 'expression of the Living God and we are just as eternal as God IS and always have been.' However, because there was no re--cognition we were still wandering around in the wilderness of what we call 'concepts' of a God that doesn't even exist.
The events that were taking place in the Old Testament were not of God but Cosmic Law. It was not God who was killing the Children of Israel, it was their own sin that was finding them out. They did not want to hear. This is where the dividing line is. The dividing line is, that the God of the Old Testament (Yahweh) was not the true God. Yahweh, like Allah are but a concept the Hebrews and Moslems have of God, this has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit, do you hear?
The God and Father whom Jesus revealed as our Life is the ONLY TRUE GOD. I know this is not easy to understand and with the mind we will never understand this mystery, but let us TRUST JESUS when He prayed "That they may know You the ONLY TRUE GOD and JESUS CHRIST HIS SON" There must have been a reason for Him to pray this.
Scripture teaches that "Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. Absolute Deity in its essence no one has ever yet seen. God uniquely-begotten. He who is in the bosom of the Father, THAT ONE FULLY EXPLAINED DEITY, only the Son can reveal or declare the true Father." John 1:18
God as our Father or God our Father. This is why Jesus said, "Call no man your father." God is the Father of all. God is the Father of all and He is in us all and as us all and through us all.
God is our Father - the power of LOVE, the Blaze of Life, this is the Father. The power of LOVE is the Father and the recognition of this is the activity of Grace functioning, keeping our whole Spirit, our whole Soul, our whole Body (financially, socially and economically) and will be there forever because it is an eternal activity.
A farmer sows a seed of corn into the ground and watches the corn grow. It grows although we don't know how this happens. He eventually has a wonderful crop of corn and picks a cob of corn. Imagine if he peeled off the outside layers and found only one seed of corn inside - the same original one that he sowed. Beloved, what do we find when we peel off the outside layers, we find a cob of delicious corn for us to eat. What happens when God sows His Word into the awareness in the Soul of our heart? Does it bring forth one?
No! It brings forth much fruit and it brings fruit unto God. We cannot bring forth fruit unto God ourselves by being good or by service to others. It is the Word of God that has the Power within itself to cause itself to come to pass when it is sown into the heart and received. Therefore we have the 4 R's - Receiving, Realization, Recognition and Regeneration.
Regeneration, the fourth R, is Grace and this is the Activity of God in Grace and in Truth revealing itself as you. You are me - I am you. We are One Body of Christ. We read in l Corinthians 12 that "many are sick and dying." Is this because God is dealing with them? No!
The Scripture says "we do not discern the Body of Christ." This is why we are dying because we are still in judgement and because we judge ourselves unworthy. Do you know what happens if we judge ourselves unworthy?
We come under the curse, because God in Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all our past and all our guilt and fear.
Guilt is the sin against the Holy Ghost.
- If we still feel guilty, don't worry about it, because we won't have it for long if we continue in this Word.
- God does not hold anything against us - not one sin, not one disease, but He will let us know that;
- "The reason why my people are perishing is not because of Me because "I" don't take life and I don't give life - 'I am the Life'"
- The Recognition of this brings the fruit of it and it brings forth after its own kind.
We continue to read in Ephesians: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
We notice that this is written using the word 'HAS' or NOW. It is always done and not 'going to be' - He has already blessed us. We say, 'God bless you' but He has already blessed us. God speaks good thoughts towards us, thoughts of Peace that we may have an expectation of good all the time and not of evil. "According as he has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love:" The words 'should be' could be misleading - meaning that we are eventually to be without blame before God. Is this right? No, we are already without blame. Similarly, in Romans 8: 29 we read, "To be conformed to the image of his Son." The words 'to be' are written in italics and this is misleading. We already were conformed to the image of His Son and those whom He justified and were made righteous, He also glorified.
We are glorified even though we may not know it but this will come through re---cognition, through re-ceptivity, through re--alization and through rest. "There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God." If Joshua had been able to bring rest, there would be no need for the Holy Ghost to bring us the 'rest' that Jesus experienced Himself - He entered into the 'rest' of His Father. He returned to the bosom of the Father. He said to Mary Magdalene, "I go to my Father and to your Father." Mary Magdalene used to be a prostitute and we would assume that a person would need to become 'born again' or 'baptised in the Holy Ghost' and only then would God become our Father. No! He said, "I go to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God, but don't touch me now because I have not yet ascended."
When Jesus ascended on high, He gave us access to the Father by One Spirit. The Scripture says, "We can enter into the Most Holy by the Blood of Jesus." This is Wonderful! In other words, I can stand before the Father, He sees me the way that I am known, no longer Adam. He doesn't scold me or remind me of something that I did or didn't do - He will never do this. LOVE will never do these things.
We continue reading in Ephesians: "According as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of His will." 'Good pleasure' is actually the word, 'Uedokea' which means 'God's good thoughts towards you' - thoughts of Peace. "
To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein he has made us accepted." Do you all feel accepted? If you don't feel accepted, begin to read these portions of Scriptures and see it in the Light of the way you are hearing it now without any comparison with other Scriptures or thinking, "I wonder what this means?" When we begin to search and try and find a meaning for a Scripture we will never receive it because the 'meaning' is in the 'hearing of it.'
FAITH comes by 'hearing it, NOW'!
Faith is the "substance of things that we have hoped for, the evidence of things that we cannot perceive with our senses" or, in other words, we can't see it on the outer but we can hear it on the inner. This is where it is. It is wonderful! We continue reading, "In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace; Wherein He has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence." Christ Jesus has been made unto us WISDOM.
What you are hearing from me now is not my own Wisdom, I don't have to add anything or prove anything or verify anything. It is only RE--COGNITION. It is a continuous Word, it is the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ - the Everlasting Evangel, it is Good News.
It strips away many complexities from what we call Bible Teaching.
We know too much and even if we can prophesy, we prophesy in part but when this completeness has come to us through re--cognition, we don't have to prophesy because we are right there in God's Presence in fulness of Joy!. The answer is right there. We don't say, "This is going to happen or that is going to happen", because nothing is going to happen. The only happening is that God is happening and LOVE is happening. God is just surrounding us and we are in the womb of His very Omni-presence and Omni-action. This is what God is. God is not something else - GOD IS. God is what? GOD IS MY LIFE or GOD IS LIFE because there is no 'my' to have life. The 'me' that thought I had life, is dead - was crucified on a Cross.
Paul says, "I'm crucified with Jesus, nevertheless I live, yet it is not I but it is Christ that lives its Life in me and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who died and gave Himself for me." He also says, "If righteousness would have been by the law then Jesus died in vain."
Therefore we cannot add anything to it. We can never add anything to the Gospel. The Gospel is a continuous ad infinitum declaration out of the Invisible Spirit of the Living God and comes to us by those who have ears to hear and are willing to "lay down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the true knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" This is wonderful! Continue in Ephesians: "Having made known unto us" (Is this past tense or is He going to make this known unto us? Everything is past tense!) Paul also said, "The gospel was preached to every creature" and therefore man is without excuse.
In other words, the voice of Redemption, the voice of Reconciliation, the voice of the Almighty is right here inside of us and speaking to us, and if any man or woman or child has an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches, he will go in and he will go out and find pasture. When we hear it strongly enough, we become a pillar in the Temple of the Lord.
We are no longer a teacher, we become the Message.
We can become a teacher of Bible Studies and have good intentions, but unless it brings Salvation to our whole body and Spirit and Life and health and strength to the hearers, it doesn't mean a thing. It is all knowledge and is from the mind. When people ask me, "What do you think about this, Tony?" I don't think, because what good would it do for you if I told you what I think about something? Is this going to heal your body or free you from your bondage? No! in the multitude of counsellors there is no safety. The only safety there is, is when we hear the anointing from within ourselves. There is no safety in the multitude.
Is there safety in the political or the religious scene?
There is only confusion. People are leaving the Churches because they are dissatisfied with the presentation preachers give them of what God is doing. Jesus said, "Why do you call me good?" However, He did say, "When I am gone, I will send the Holy Ghost and He will bring to your remembrance everything that I have spoken to you." This is what the Holy Spirit is doing now - bringing everything that Jesus spoke while He was on earth to our remembrance as well as what He is speaking now.
While He was on earth He spoke in parables but now He speaks to us of the Father openly and He will never any more remember the old law concept and its doctrine and its teaching, because it was all formed in 'time and space' and it was all subject to the curse. This is why the Scripture says, "Cursed is every man that hangs on a tree."
Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the old.
This is why He said, "You cannot put new wine in old bottles." The old is gone. "Praise the Lord." In Hebrews 9 we read that 'if the first covenant (or the so-called law covenant) would have been acceptable to God, it would have been forever so, but He found fault with it.'
- Who made this Covenant if God found fault with it?
- Did God make a faulty Covenant? No!
- God made a Covenant in Christ Jesus and this is the only Covenant there is.
There is no old Covenant.
There is only One Covenant and this is the Covenant ratified in the Blood of the Lamb. The other Covenants are not a progression of times until we come to the new, no, the new has always been there right from the beginning when God says, 'Let us create man in our image and in our likeness and let him have dominion over everything that walks, flies, creeps and swims.'
This is the dominion that we still have when we first 'pass through' the old. In other words, we cannot put old patches on new garments. We cannot put an old patch on the self-righteousness of the Hebrews and put it on the righteousness which is of God, it cannot be done.
The righteousness of God is with-out the law.
We read again in Ephesians: "Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure (His good thoughts toward us) which He has purposed in Himself:"
This is a Covenant of Grace because He purposed it in Himself and there is no argument. He didn't say, "What do you think about this?" No! He purposed it in Himself. "Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ." "The law came by Moses."
Did grace or even truth come by Moses? No, no, no!
Therefore, the first Covenant was not even Truth. Can we now understand why we need to let the BLAZE OF LIFE burn out every belief we have of God, man and his relationship to God. Everything that we have ever learned and we must probably dispose of most of our notes we have ever made during the years because there is no substance in it, do you hear? It has no power of Redemption in it.
- The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ only has the Power of Redemption and the Power of Immortality in it.
- Jesus brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel, It is here.
- However, as long as we are reading and studying the Old Testament, a veil remains over our understanding and we are still studying the 'types and the shadows'.
In Hebrews 10 we read, "For the law having a shadow (or a type or a picture) of good things to come, but not that very image of the things.
If I had a cake on the table and I shone a bright light behind it and said, "You can eat the shadow" what would you say? 'You eat it yourself!' It is only a shadow and the shadow of a dog never bit anybody.
Nothing can by any means hurt you if you recognize the reality that the law could never bring in Life because it was a shadow of things to come and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect."
It doesn't do this even though we may continually study the Old Testament and even the New Testament in some cases. However, it is the naked, unadulterated Spiritual Book of John that reveals Truth much more accurately than the whole of the Old Testament.
I would like to take you to My Genesis and this is the Book of John. "In the Beginning is the Word and the Word is with God and the Word is God." Notice, there is no sperm and egg, there is no beginning and ending, there is no starting and finishing.
There is only absolute Truth revealed and it is the Light and the Life, it's the constitution, it is the fabric of your whole being, the Word. We are born again not of the corruptible seed but the incorruptible seed which is the living word of God and this was in the Beginning long before the foundations of the world were laid.
We were in Him before the foundation of the world but when the foundation of the world was laid, the Lamb was slain.
The Lamb was not slain before the foundation of the world. The Lamb was slain when the foundation of the world was laid.
FOUNDATION means FUNDAMENTALISM - the doctrines that have come out of the fig leaf Church formed when the fig leaves came over Adam to hide his nakedness. This is the Church that we know today as Babylon the Great - the great whore that sits on the waters of society - and is the devil because this is where all doctrines were formed.
Every doctrine that we can imagine was formed out of this 'fig leaf Church.' The concept that God and man were separate is the lie formed by religion. In Truth we have never been separated from the Father. We may have the feeling of separation, but this is what we inherited from Adam. We inherited the feeling of nakedness, unworthiness, guilt, fear, anxiety from Adam, but now in Christ Jesus all of these feelings can be washed away in an instant. We are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb when we RECOGNIZE that we have been drawn into the Presence and can stay there forever and never step out of it again.
However, it takes courage to step away from our previous beliefs about God. I realize that there are not many who have the courage to do this, because we are immediately excommunicated and classified as a heretic. We continue reading in Hebrews 10:2, "For then would they not have ceased to be offered those sacrifices because then the worshippers once purged should have no more conscience of sin. (or no sin consciousness). But in those sacrifices there is remembrance again of sins every year.
For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. Wherefore, when He comes into the world, (Who is He? God, in the form of Jesus), He said, Sacrifice and offering thou would not, but a body has thou prepared for me." What does this mean?
We always thought it was a physical body that was prepared for Him through Mary. No! The body that was prepared is the Body of Christ. You are the Body that He prepared.
When Peter had the Revelation, "You are that Christ, the Son of the Living God," Jesus said, "Upon this massive Revelation I will build my Body and the gates of Hell and the Powers of Death will not prevail against it." What is this Body?
It is a hearing ear and this is why we read in Psalms 40:6: "Sacrifices and offerings thou did not desire, but mine ears hast thou opened." This is Jesus speaking, "My ears hast thou opened."
The ear of Jesus was opened to see 'the joy that was set before Him and therefore He endured the Cross, because He saw the Body. Jesus saw the fullness of Him that filled all in all that will penetrate every nook and cranny of the earth and all shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of His Presence. This is so wonderful!
We read in Ephesians1: 9- "Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself: That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather (the gathering that happened here in Ephesians 1 verse 10) He gathered together in One all things in Christ (not something that is progressive). This is the difference between what I would call 'ultimate reconciliation' and 'complete reconciliation' that Jesus performed on the Cross. There is a difference. It is no longer according to the outer appearance when people are still sinning and sick and down and out and God is gradually reconciling everything them. No!
God is not reconciling this world.
- This world is not God ordained or God controlled or God maintained or sustained.
- This world is the Realm of Darkness and Jesus spoilt the Principalities and the Powers and the Rulers of the Darkness of this world.
- Jesus made an open show of this world of illusion and triumphed over it in it and gathered unto Himself all things.
You and I are complete in Christ Jesus. So then, "God was in Christ reconciling His True World, the Image created in True Holiness and Righteousness unto Himself." "Awake thou that sleepeth and arise from the dead and Christ will give Thee Light."
There is no progression or any processing any more, so that we gradually become more Holy or more peaceful. We all need to become as Jesus and say, "Father, forgive them because they do not know what they do." When you know what happened on the Cross where you were washed in the Blood of the Lamb, you also have the ability to forgive as Jesus forgave. Now in this understanding we will be sowing to the Spirit and we will reap LIFE. We can say, "Father, forgive them" even though it may be difficult at first, but after awhile it will become easier as we become more and more aware of "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the Children of God"
A wonderful feeling comes over us of a LOVE we have never experienced before in religion, it is an awakening of the LOVE of GOD in us that is contained in the word FORGIVE.
When I realized that Jesus left His Glory and became a mistaken Identity for me so that I can be forgiven of my ignorance of not knowing what I was doing in my humanity I entered into His Rest.
In Mark 1.15 we read, "Jesus said, Time is fulfilled." What does 'time' is fulfilled' mean? It means that all prophecy and everything spoken by prophets is now fulfilled and the timeless realm of NOW (where the flowers grow) reigns. In the Now Realm where Father speaks to Son within Consciousness is LIFE ETERNAL.
This is the realm of Grace and Truth where the realm of eternality and immortality reigns, where God performs that we are called to do.
Much love to all,