Light of the World Ministries


Freedom Voice Network



400-The Melchizedeck Priest

In my humanity I am just a Mouth Piece to bring this word to you. This ministry is aimed to bring you into a higher understanding of God's Nature and Name. So remember this, I present to you the ascended Jesus whom I have communion with every moment of the day. You now must find Jesus also, and you have to find Him  within yourself. 

Rev 3:20-22

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. 

Melchisedec: Prince of Peace.

Melchizedec-- prince of Peace administers a sense of belonging to you, it is the Spirit of Truth which ministers a tranquil harmonious relationship with our Father God without any sense of guilt or rejection.

King of Righteousness.

This King is the Spirit of Truth.  This King  reveals God’s Righteousness without the Moral Code of the Law, meaning we are now Justified by the Blood of the Lamb to live the Life of Christ, without having this haunting sense of guilt or unworthiness. Think of it!

Melchisedeck is the essence of Life, without Father or Mother, it is the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and truth. This Spirit of Truth when it is realized,  is our Wisdom, it is our sanctification, it is our redemption, It is the health off our countenance. 

Melchisedeck is our prosperity and all sufficiency.

I give you John15 for your Password, so that Jesus begins to be your inner teacher. Jesus said, that He would never forsake us not ever until the end of this world of the Earth man.

Meditation: Be Still and Listen!

If you abide in Me and My Word abides in you, and if you live in the realization that this Priest of Endless Life is in the Midst of You, life superabundant in all its ways is yours. You are now led by the Spirit,  not Church Dogma. 

By hearing My Voice and obey My leading you shall be made free indeed. This "I" in the Midst of you is the Son of God. This "I" in the Midst of you is ordained of God.  God is both the Father and the Son,  you are the offspring of the Father. 

God is both the giver and the gift. Trust this Priestly I in the Centre of your Being. In the Deep Silence of My Peace I will never leave you nor will I forsake you. In Quietness and Confidence I am your bread.   I am your wine and your water, it is Wonderful and totally fulfilling.

"I" your Priest goes before you to straighten out the crooked path I am always alert and watchful that you will not hurt yourself. I will provide all that you need in this Life. Trust Me with your secret desires, but don’t let your secret desires be aimed at persons, places or things, no, only let me lead you beside the Still Waters. Your secret desires must be for rest in ME, to prosper in Me to experience the abundance of all things in Me!

Peace and satisfaction is found in the realization of I am One with My Father, as the Son of His Love.

  • Let Me be your meat!
  • Let Me be the Hidden Manna, which "I" will give to them who hunger and thirst for Me, for I will fully satisfy them,
  • I am you and You are Me, we are indivisibly One.

Take no thought what ye shall eat or drink or where-withal you shall be clothed. Take no thought about your housing or relationships with others, for I am your total sufficiency. Tabernacle with Me, for I in the Midst of you am your very Life.

I am that which prospers you. 

I am that which draws unto you all that is necessary for your spiritual unfold-ment. 

Even if there be 40 years of wilderness before you reach the Promised realm of I which is in Heaven, be patient, you have made this wilderness your self through which you must be led into Christ Hood!

If there is the experience of the Cross take it, you brought it upon your self, and it is just an other way out, for I in the Midst of you will never leave thee nor forsake thee, even if you make your bed in Hell I will be there to lead you out. Do not fear effects, or what man can do unto your body or possessions. Do not fear outer conditions, I am that invisible incorporeal part of you that was never born, which can never die!

  • I am the Resurrection of your Body.

I will resurrect all your negative experiences in life and turn them into success and harmony. brought you into this earth and already knew you before you were conceived in the womb of your mother.

 I have ordained you to bring forth much fruit 30 fold, 60 fold and even 100 fold.

I will lead you beside the still waters of Life where you will find total rest and satisfaction, even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you shall nor fear evil. 

I am Melchisedec, I am your Shepherd.

 In Me you shall never lack any good thing, if you abide in Me and follow the Mystical Voice and not your reasoning Mind of Flesh.

Have I been so long with you and you have not known Me?

  • Have I been so long with you and you have not recognized that the Hidden Man of your heart is Melchisedec your High Priest, I am Christ?
  • I am the Spiritual Son, the Life Giving Spirit, not Adam, who is but a Phantom Man, who does not exist is the realms of My Presence.
  • I only know you as you are “My beloved offspring in whom I am well pleased”

When you are far enough along the Path you will realize that I am God the Father and that I am also God the Son, for we are always indivisibly One Being and you are Complete in Me. You will understand that I being infinite and the Only Power and in Me there are no evil Powers to harm you or defile you, if you abide in that realization.

The evil pictures which you witness with your 5 Physical senses, which you see, hear taste and touch and smell, do not fear them, for they are made of the fabric of nothingness. The fabric of the pictures you see in the outer realm which is this World are but hypnotism, the fabric of suggestion, which are pictures existing in the Human consciousness in such a way as to give you a misinterpretation of what reality is. So be not deceived by the appearances of this world. All these pictures have no substance or identity, they have no real being!

Just understand them to be made out of the fabric of Mental Illusion, nothingness.

I in the Midst of you am the only Presence and reality. I am the only substance and the only nature of all living and beside Me there is no other God formed. Love Me with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and your neighbour as you love your self, for I am thy neighbour.

  • I in the midst of thee am He, I am thy neighbour!

If you have done it to the least of them you have done it unto Me, for I am You and I am your neighbour. In as much you have not done it unto the least of these My Brethren you have not done it unto Me. I am them who you have not done it unto, for what ever you withhold from any of them you have withheld from Me!  End meditation!

In Karins Koeppens Home where we have meetings, her dogs which are German Shepherds come and lie under the Window where I Meditate and Minister the Word on a Monday night and they do not leave until I finish My Meditation. The reason for this is because we Realize that God is the Life and Light and the Consciousness of all living. That is why Pets are drawn to Me for they also are also My Brethren and they sense this and come unto Me when I meditate.

Watch if you have pets, how they refuse to leave your feet when you meditate on the allness of Life, for they sense the Spiritual Presence of Melchisedec, King of Salem! For the I that you are is the I of your Pet also even though there is a difference in purpose and expression.

All Life has a Divine Purpose and meaning and we must learn to realize that, so that eventually we can bring back harmony to a groaning creation. If we continue in the realm of Melchisedeck the Life Giving Spirit, we eventually will cause the Lion to lay down with the Lamb, so that there shall be no more hurt in all my Holy Mountain.

  • I Melchisedeck shall wipe away all tears and death shall be swallowed up of Life, He that hath ears let him or her hear.
  • The I that I am, is the I that He, or She is.  
  • That which is heard in the silence of meditation I am, neither male nor female, I am I!

I am neither white nor black, I am neither Jew nor Gentile, I am neither bond nor free. 

I am universal supreme Divine Being, the true Identity of all living, regardless of what form they have assumed in this incarnation.

In our human experience we all have formed for ourselves a body suitable for this experience. We have formed the home that we have been brought up in.  We  even choose the Parents of our Human experience. All these are ordained experiences to suit the purpose of developing consciousness to the point of recognition. When Christ is born in our manger, when we can cry Abba Father without guilt or a sense of duty we are Born again.

Every experience of our childhood, good ones and not so good ones,  were necessary to our un-foldment into Christ-hood, including yours truly, so you will know that I am not thinking that  I AM in my humanity, God forbid. Every experience in our business life or our home life has been necessary to bring us the awakening to your true Identity.

  • Don’t ever believe the Psychologists who believe that your early childhood spoiled you or harmed you. Someday they will wake up and find out that you were functioning at a particular level necessary for your spiritual development.

The purpose of our being here on earth is to unfold  spiritually and progressively to our true nature which is Christ. Some of these experiences like I can testify too are not always rosy and pleasant, but even though you make your bed in Hell like I did in my younger years. 

 My Father never left me nor forsook me, He stayed with me closer then breathing closer then hands and feet, until I could receive His Grace into my Heart.

Ephesians 5:13-14 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleeps, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. (KJV)

  • We are all in the process of waking up out of a mortal dream called the Adam experience.
  • All humanity are like the walking dead. 
  • Humanity is in the sleep of a sense of separation from the living Presence. 
  • All what we can experience in this state of consciousness is the fear of death, and a desire to live, both of these feelings keep us out of the Presence of God our Father.

Are you not glad that Jesus as the forerunner abolished death, conquered the fear of death and destroyed that age old devil, made an open show of it, and exposed it as a lie, for our Father never left us nor forsook us. Jesus demonstrated that death is only a belief in the Adam dream opposites. By dying as the Last Adam He proved that death is not an ordination of God, neither has it any substance or law to perpetuate its process. Think of It beloved!

  • Jesus delivers all those who hear His Voice who rather believe what the Son of God thought about death then what the Hebrews believed it was

John 5:24-28 

 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.  Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.  For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; 

 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.  Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, (KJV)

These graves are not holes in the ground. The grave is the Mind of Flesh or the Adam Nature, the fear of separation. In the mind of flesh all man are buried in the tomb of mortality until the Voice of the Son the High Priest after the order of Melchisedeck is heard in our heart, and we rise in Newness of Life!

  • Be still and listen to your heart, can you now hear the Voice of Many waters, Can you now hear the Trumpet of the Jubilee?
  • It is when you hear this Trumpet that all those that receive the Son of God and Obey Him will find Life, Peace and Prosperity in all what they set their hands to do.

2 Timothy 1:7-10 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; 9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: (KJV)

  • When you awaken to Righteousness and hear His Voice, you will see Him as He Is, and you are free. it is wonderful!
  • You will know yourself as you are known of God, an eternal Spiritual Being. You shall be satisfied when you awaken into His Likeness.
  • I God am your Father, not Sperm or Egg, you are Spirit and are not generated from the Will of Man, you are generated in God, you came forth from the Bosom of the Father.

God the Father is everything in your experience, which includes your wife or your husband, your pets and your business affairs. God the Father appears as all form. I fill all things with Myself. However you will only experience the fullness of the Christ Life if you do not judge Life by its outer appearances. I am not in the realm of flesh and blood or money, or desire for things or fear of death.

I fill all things with My Presence, If you realize My Presence Consciously, you will experience the Salvation you are entitled too.

This is the Mystery of God, It has to be revealed from within you as it was in me when I received this letter, not from the tree of Knowledge, but out of the heart of God. I  am the substance and the intelligence of your Life. That is why I promise you that I will never leave you nor forsake you even unto the end of this world.  But don’t turn away from Me, remember Lots wife who looked back to the Material world for her security, and she had a total nervous breakdown, meaning she turned into a (Pillar of Salt)

Be not like Esau who forsook his birthright for one morsel of meat and was lost. All those who put their hands to the plough must make up their minds never to turn back to this world, for the way is straight and narrow and few will be that find it and enter.

But there are a few who will no longer allow themselves to be defiled by fear or a sense of guilt or sin, or what ever temptation comes to us to mislead them back into the death-realm of the dual mind. What is it we attain in the realm of Spirit, if we follow the Lamb wherever He Goes?

We attain the Spirit of Adoption, also called the Spirit of Christhood, by realizing that the Same Spirit or Mind that was also in Christ Jesus,  who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made of His own Humanity no reputation is also our Mind and Life.

Jesus became even Obedient to the death of the Cross, to prove that death was but an Illusion formed in the Mind of Adam as a belief in 2 powers. In this Revelation of One Being One Life, we attain to the Dominion which we had in the Beginning before we became aware of the Outer Realm of Good and Evil called the Dust Man or Serpent!

Revelation 14:1-6

 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.  And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:  And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.  These are they which were not defiled with women (Carnal reasoning's) ; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he Goes.

These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.  And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. (KJV)


  • Lamb represents the Mind of Oneness which existed in the beginning  before the world was, as the Image or Christ of God without being Conscious of nakedness or  fear.

In this state of Harmony there was no guile, no sense of Sin, no sense of guilt, nor fear of death. The Lamb of God is the Consciousness of Jesus as the Christ of God. The Lamb of God when it is born again in our Consciousness is our experience of Oneness with the Father.  Then the Lamb of God takes away the Sin and the fear of Death from all those who are in Communion with Him. This Lamb Nature became dormant in Adam, because of fear and the True Offspring of God was hidden from Mankind until Jesus again revealed it again to the world, can you receive Him now?  Every time the Lamb of God is revealed  to the religious mind it is slain or excommunicated. The religious mind cannot receive the Nature of Love and Non Violence, it is Anti Christ, it Anti Freedom and anti Love! Think beloved think! This is really the picture portrayed in the above Scripture, “He that hath ears let Him or Her hear” We must therefore meditate on these things, until we attain an awareness of the Lamb of God and follow His leading wherever we go.

  • We realize now that the greatest power to overcome this world of sin and fear is the attitude of non resistance, it is the Lamb of God.
  •  Non resistance is the Nature of God.
  • The "I" which lives in the Midst of you am All- Mighty,  El- Elyon the God and Father of Jesus.  The realization that "I" am is the Lamb of God. I am a state of non resistance,  which overcomes the Devil (Accuser) every time it appears to slay the Lamb,  I will arise again and go forth conquering and to conquer!

Revelation 12:9-11 

 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.  And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (KJV)

"I" Melchisedec have been with you even before Abraham was. 

"I" will never leave them nor will I forsake any of them who lose their lives for my sake and for my Name, for they shall never die.

 "I" am their Resurrection and their Life.

"I" will lead you into green pastures, "I" will make you to lie down by the still waters, "I" will restore your soul and give you peace.

This is only true unto those who abide in Me and let My Word abide in them. How do you do this? You do this by being still and recognize Me in your meditation, I am your Life for Eternity, I am the Resurrection and the Life those who follow Me in Truth shall never die, believes thou Me?

  • "I" in the Midst of Me feeds me and clothes me and houses me, the Lord is My Shepherd,
  • I shall never be in Lack.
  • Love never fails!
  • I in the midst of Me has never been limited,
  • I in the Midst of Me has provided me with you who are the recipient of this message, even though there are but a few.
  • "I" is not dependent on man who’s breath is in his nostril. "I" do not have to advertise this message, for the Word of God has the Power to promote Its own cause by His Spirit.
  • "I" in the Midst of Me dwells in Me sacredly, silently, abiding in me and I in It and together we are One, walk this earth in perfect Harmony and Communion, we can never be separated.

I am also I in the Midst of you, for we are One in One Body, having One Father, we are the Family of God, therefore we are brethren.

We are of One Spiritual Household and we eat and drink of the same Life which also flowed through Jesus our Lord. This is true of us if we think of our selves as Jew or Gentile, Saint or Sinner, black or white.

Remember "I" am my neighbour and my neighbour is Me. Every thing I do unto my neighbour even if it is done unto the least of these My brethren I have done it unto Myself, for there is only One selfhood.

I in the midst of Me is the Spiritual Son of God, Melchisedeck King of Salem, Prince of Peace!

  • I was never born and I will never die.
  • I am invisible to the carnal mind.
  • No man has ever seen me or understood the Mystery of "I", hid from the scrutiny of Mortal Man.
  • I am the invisible Presence that goes before me to straighten out the crooked path.
  • I am the invisible presence that walks beside me as protection, and is my rearguard in a time of need. 
  • I am the Life of Friend and I am the Life of Foe, we are One.

Yet each individual is expressed as a complete  expression of the Fullness of God, not just a part.  One in the essence of I infinite and indivisible in form and modes of expression.

 I am the Author in One and the Composer in an other. 

I am the Priest to another and the Restaurateur to another. 

I am the Healer in One and the Minister in another.

I am the Painter in One and the Poet in another.

 I am the inspiration in those who seek inspiration.

I can close my eyes at any time day or night and turn to this Priestly King of Peace and find rest for my soul. In my Communion with this invisible Life Presence and can receive new illumination, new Light new Health and New Direction in which I have to walk, and so can you if you abide in Me. We must however cease from the doctrines of Man who lie in wait to deceive, not because they can help it for they do not have the Light of Life to govern them so you must forgive them, for they do not know as yet who I am!

  • You see My Kingdom is not of this world of appearances, so you do not have to manipulate this world to attain your Righteousness.
  • You do not have to physically or mentally manipulate it, you need only to abide in Me and let My Word abide in you, then all things that you have need of will be added unto you in abundance.
  • Where you are I am, all that I have is already yours, for it is My Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. The place whereon you stand is Holy Ground, where-so ever you will go I will go, you shall never be alone.
  • Learn to Live with this Spiritual Sense of I in the Midst of You.
  • Learn to Love it as your Eternal Companion and Friend, for it will stick closer to you then any earthly concept of friend.
  • It will give you Ideas for Painting, It will give you Ideas for architecture or Motherhood.

It will inspire you as you walk in this world of within-ness, for it is within that this Companion is heard. When the student is ready and if it necessary to find a teacher who can help you on the path He or She will appear to teach you the principles of Life so that you can succeed. What ever the need is that you have to reach this Inner walk I will appear as that form.

It may be in the form of a book, or bible, or tape, or Church, it will appear as the will of God concerning you.




Light of the World Ministry

Freedom Voice Network


Tony & Martha den Hartog


Email to: [email protected]

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