Returning to the Father's House!
This issue will be dedicated to reveal the true nature of creation as seen in GEN 1 where everything created was
complete and without flaw.
Remember, the GEN 1 CREATION, is the
SPIRITUAL CREATION and besides this Creative will of God there is
not an other creation formed out of dust!
The Idea is given us that there is only
SPIRITUAL CREATION and therefore there cannot be a PHYSICAL
CREATION as we see it portrayed in Gen2.
This is what the natural mind cannot comprehend, for Spiritual Creation it is intuitively discerned by the
Remember what is believed the natural man, we call ADAM and EVE, is but a mind formed concept of creation
and is therefore not the TRUTH, think deeply on this.
Rom1:19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20For since the
creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things
that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
21because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in
their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville,
Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.
We see in these scriptures that the INVISIBLE things of GOD are clearly seen in those things which appear as
the visible (the effect of causation) However,
the carnal mind interprets what it sees and classifies
the visible creation as a good an evil creation, giving the visible creation the power to be
the cause of good or evil experience.
These judgments of material sense observation ADAM and EVE gave to the visible. This is he GEN 2
However these concepts and beliefs which are formed by the carnal mind, is the formation of cultural
subconscious convictions and beliefs based upon judgment, to what the eye sees and the ear hears and has
knowledge of in the outer realms.
Adam and EVE now created themselves an Image to what they believed GOD was MAN is and CREATION is.
However all these concept of GOD, MAN AND THE TRUE UNIVERSE, are in fact illusory concepts, without any
substance, nature, or law to sustain it self.
In other words, this mind formed world does not exist in reality, but can exist only as an appearance of good and
evil in the mind.
Gal Chapter 4
Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all,
but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. Even so we, when we were
children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time had
come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law,
that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son
into your hearts, crying out, Abba, Father! Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then
an heir of God through Christ. The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson,
Inc.) 1982.
In Gal 4 we read; "As long as the heir, remember,
True man is not subject to the appearance realm he is
therefore not subject to the curse)
However the natural man ADAM can not please GOD, neither is he subject to the LAW of GEN1.
These blinding principalities and powers are called elements or atomic structure we call our concept of body
constitutes the illusory creation. For instance, the belief that body or creation as a whole is an atomic or
molecular structure has plagued man ever since he began to live by what he observes with his senses(the
knowledge of good and evil).
Because Adam has lowered us into material sense life all man are dead in their mistaken IDENTITY . Mankind is
in Hell, until again they awaken out of the ADAM DREAM and return to the FATHERS HOUSE (THE CHRIST
Bishop Barkley remarks and quotes "Never mind what the world thinks, for he that has not meditated on the
reality of the true GOD and His creation, thereby seeing ultimate reality, are but thriving earthworms, but
would make a useless patriarch or statesman".
Let us always remember that in the ADAMIC sense of being (living by the intellect and reason) we can
never rise any higher than an thriving earthworm, or dust--man and we remain in Hell the place for the Human
The bible calls this state of consciousness the SERPENT, SATAN, OR ANTICHRIST!
We as human beings are products of the genes generated by the 5 senses, consequently the knowledge we
entertain in our mind concerning GOD and the creation is totally imaginary, it needs to be cast down as heresy,
e\g we have to die to the imagination of sense knowledge and return to intuitive living.
I term the Adam or Flesh state of being as the unburied or walking dead. However I was told that this term is
not very elegant so I now refer to them as cabbages, or earthworms.
In this issue, I like to present a subject that could be puzzling to some of you, that have not as yet awoken to
SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The revelation I desire to share with you in this letter, I have not openly written
about in my letters to you. The SPIRIT of Christ Jesus has instructed me to do this now, so those that are ready
for it will benefit from it.
- As far as I know this mystery does not exist in the literature of this world, whether
this is religious, philosophical, or meta- physical literature. The revelation I received was the MYSTICAL
MEANING of the 1st and 2nd chapters of GENESIS.
- I saw that the real creation of GEN 1 is GOD CONSCIOUSNESS, or the LOGOS forming its self as man,
beast, tree and every other form this earth has revealed.
- Adam and Eve are the symbols of this fullness of the GODHEAD BODILY.
- In this state of CONSCIOUSNESS the fullness of all things were theirs, providing they
did not entertain the knowledge of good or evil!
In the Mind of Christ Jesus there is
no desire for anything, for they were already HEIR to all that GOD IS
AND HAS, health, strength, wisdom, unbelievable riches and glory and to top it all off, ETERNAL IMMORTAL
LIFE, was their HERITAGE!
- In our ascend to our original heritage we must
first get rid of all desire for things, health or fame.
- Desire was the cause of the descent of men.
- In other words we must stop being go getters, for all these attempts for success is saying to our
self, "I am lacking something", is this possible?
- The sense of lack (I am naked, I am fearful) brought about the fall of man from his HEAVENLY STATE.
Adam fell from the allness and the
ISNESS of being and descended into a sense of nakedness and fear of death,
can you hear this beloved, it was not God who lowered us or tempted us to eat of this tree!
Now the urge to survive became the first law in this world which ADAM and EVE created in their ignorance
and the Lamb of God was slain when this foundation of material sense living was inaugurated.
He now gives a
nature to the physical creation based upon his fear of death. The beast of the field, now, instead of being
governed by the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, the Flesh man is now governed by fear, in Adam all died to our
spiritual heritage.
- ADAM in his fear now gives poison to the snake and blood thirst to the LION and TIGER, who originally
were to eat the herbs of the field because of Adam's fear are now eating flesh and blood, such tragedy.
- It was ADAM who gave a false nature to all that GOD created and a whole new
concept of GOD, MAN and the UNIVERSE was formed, which is now existing as an
illusory creation and not the real as GOD CREATED IT. Think of it!
- These concepts of a dust creation were formed by the Carnal mind which is now birthed in the heart of
universal man as the belief in a 2 power Universe, can you hear this?
VIRGINIA STEPHENSONS gives us the meaning of what the NATURE of the SERPENT is, in its relation to
man, and I quote,"In many ancient cultures the serpent represented occult wisdom, and sometimes it
represented desire and sex. In the ADAM dream ----- , for we know now that both ADAM and EVE are in a deep
hypnotic sleep.
- In this mesmerized state a talking serpent meaning (desire) entices EVE into eating of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. As EVE represents the emotional nature of ADAM, the fruit appeals to her.
- It appeals to her appetite; it is good for food. It appeals to her aesthetic sense.
- It is pleasant to her eyes. It appeals to her reason; it is desired to make her wise" unquote!
Beloved, the concept we have as humans, that we through desire can accrete goodness and prosperity, or
beauty to our life, is indeed the serpent talking!
I like to give you a definition of
aesthetic sense.
Chambers Concordance defines aesthesia as SENSE feeling, its synonyms are something
producing sensation, especially a stimulus or suggestion, producing a sensory effect on a
subject under hypnosis. A professed disciple of aestheticism is one, who affects an
extravagant love for art, or outer beauty. This may appear as art, religious worship,
architecture, or any other extravagant desires for body shape and beauty, causing
SENSUAL adoration.
- The GEN 1 creation is
the unfoldment of the WORD of GOD as our individual life in all its
- This beauty is however an inner beauty, which can only be seen and heard from a intuitive sense.
- In this inner universe we see the activity of GOD as he straightens out the crooked path.
- Moses said to GOD I want to see your face.
However GOD spoke and said "You must first enter into the cleft of the ROCK" (CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS)
before you can see the creative process in action.
- That beloved is the real beauty of holiness, not the beauty we achieve in our abnormal desire for beauty
in the outer universe, for that is only there today and gone tomorrow.
- Even the fashions by which men and women adore themselves becomes an IDOL. We see them come
and we see them go and there is no lasting satisfaction in this world of aesthesia.
Jesus said
"Why take ye thought for what you shall eat or with what ye shall be clothed, consider the lily it does
not toil or worry for its outer coat. In all its outer beauty it is there today for all to see and then cast in the oven
People today are so concerned for this life on earth as if this body is their life.
The age old fear of death ADAM introduced, is still deeply seated in our subjective nature!
- Beloved
aestheticism is not the real LIFE and is therefore not GOD appearing as you and I, it is
but flesh and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God!
- True LIFE is ETERNAL and INVISIBLE to human evaluations.
The beautiful creation of GOD is eternal and immortal and is therefore not subject to death, it is wonderful!
In order to appreciate the true creation, we must first learn to abstain from all outer beauty and instead go
within, where all beauty is, can you hear this? Eye has not seen and ear has not heard and it has not entered
into the heart of man the things that GOD has prepared for those that discern the inner KINGDOM and ITS
All things will be added to you without having to have a materialistic desire for outer provision or beauty. To
achieve this MYSTICAL AWARENESS, we must learn to become still and say speak LORD for
thy child heareth!
- In this silent listening, we develop a single eye and a single ear.
- Through INNER CONTEMPLATION we get to know GOD ARIGHT, and that beloved is LIFE ETERNAL!
- ADAM and EVE developed double vision.
- In this dual state of mind they could no longer see the forest from the trees.
- Instead of seeing the ONE LIFE, they are now observing good and evil.
- The result was fear and finally death.
JAMES 1 tells us
"Let not a double minded man or woman think that he or she shall receive
anything of the LORD".
There is no evil life in GODS CREATION, neither is there sick life, or poor life. LIFE IS the substance and nature
of all living. Life is OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENCE and OMNIACTIVE, closer to us than breathing closer
then hands or feet, it is wonderful and free!
- Jesus came to reveal the LIFE as the I AM.
- This
I AM, introduced to the HEBREWS caused them to be preserved clothed and fed for 40 years in
the SINAI DESERT, there was not one feeble one amongst them.
- Even their shoes did not wear out, for the
RESURRECTION LIFE of I AM was their all
- However eventually they lost the ability to hear the I AM IN THEIR HEART and were taken over by
They now began to form IDOLS, like the GOLDEN CALF MAMMON to be their provision instead of the I AM.
Now in order for us to come back to the FATHERS HOUSE, we must again begin to look at JESUS, the author
and finisher of our FAITH, Who for the JOY that was set before HIM endured the cross, despising the shame
lest we should be weary and faint in our mind.
- Jesus said I AM come, that you may have this resurrection LIFE. Resurrection Life is our true heritage
ordained for us from the foundation of this planet. 0
- We must however come to terms with our desire for things, which includes the material sense of
preservation, meaning our physical sense of body, we all want to live, right?
- However
if we try to preserve the mortal sense of life through desire, we will not only
loose it, but in our blindness we cannot see the KINGDOM of GOD .
- In this ignorance of Life and Truth we remain in outer darkness, until the desire comes to know GOD
aright, for that beloved is the TREE of LIFE.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is the TREE of LIFE.
PR 13:12
- Before I received enlightenment from the Father of All as to what the nature of LIFE was, I also had a
strong sense of self preservation.
- I did not like the Idea either that one day I would cease to exist and that my remains would be cremated
or buried. 0
- I was horrified at this concept, but I could not reason myself out of this dilemma.
- The first law of the natural man is self preservation. Even a drowning man will grab at a straw.
- There was even a more deadly concept introduced into my belief system through the Pentecostal
doctrine of SPIRITUAL DEATH, so I had a double dose of fear given to me through mans ignorance of
- The mortal sense of life is a belief in birth as the start of a being, which in the final analysis is the SIN
of the CHURCH, for in our true nature we were never born and will never die, think of it!
It is strongly believed in ORTHODOXY, Christian and Hebrew alike, that life is in the blood and consequently
sin, or the nature of evil, is also inherent in the blood.
There if no life in the body which we all have been trying to make live longer.
When JESUS said
I am come that you may have LIFE, HE was not referring to physical life,
but rather that we could return, or ascend into EDEN as it was in the BEGINNING!
- Let me give you an illustration, as to how I gradually lost the fear of death.
- Like I said before, nobody is looking forward to death and the corruption and decay of the body.
- One day my wife was cutting the nails of my fingers and my toes, when a voice spoke from within me and
said. "Do you realize that part of your body is cut away from you and is burned in the oven and you do not
even feel any loss of life"
- I was startled at this Idea, for I was not in the nails, or the hair that was cut and burned in the OVEN.
- I began to meditate on the I truly am.
- As my wife was working on my feet, I said to my self am I in my feet?
- I looked at my hands and thought "Am I in my hands"
- The answer of course was NO NO, for if my hands were cut of, I would still be there in all my entirety.
- In silence I began to dismember my BODY until only my head was left.
- To my amazement I was still completely me and there was nothing missing.
- Later on the revelation that I was my LIFE, not my physical body and that this I am was not even in
my head, so I could do away with my head also!
So beloved, if you want to get ahead in life, you must learn to live without one!
The great I AM is the only selfhood and offspring of the living GOD. This offspring is
the CHRIST the
SON of GOD and you and I are complete in this I.
The I that I AM is the only selfhood there is and is not confined to a Physical body!
Many times people who experienced clinical death have been revived to give
detailed description how they
witnessed the surgeons work on their body's, whilst they were some where floating above their bodies,
watching everything in detail.
One women, who had a cardiac arrest and was in a COMA for days, experience the same and watched the
doctor opening up her chest to revive her. She experienced what is termed an O.B.E. called out of the body
experience. She floated out of the window where her body was lying on the operating table, to the top floor of
the hospital where she came face to face with a worn out tennis shoe. This tennis shoe was on the window sill
on the top floor window. From the inside this tennis shoe could not be seen until the sealed window was
opened. After she came out of the coma, she related all the things she experienced to the doctors, including
her adventure outside. First the doctors listened to her skeptical, but then decided to take her to the top floor
of the hospital. After opening several windows they to their amazement discovered the tennis shoe exactly as
described by the woman.
The Bible teaches us that if our earthly house (body) were dissolved, we have a Spiritual
body, a house not made through sperm and egg, eternal in the realm of Heaven.
However if we still entertain a physical concept of body and attempt to preserve it, even that what we think we
have, in the form of health and wealth, will eventually be taken away from us!
The thief or mortal sense of life, comes but to rob, to kill and to destroy, but I am come, the true blue YOU from
the beginning, that you have LIFE in its SUPER ABUNDANCE!
2 COR. 4:16-18. 5:1-7 While we look not at the things which are seen: but look at those things which are not
seen: for the things that are seen are temporal( subject to decay) but the things which are not seen, are eternal
and immortal, and are therefore not subject to decay.
2 TIM 1:8-10

Light of the World Ministry
Freedom Voice Network
Tony & Martha den Hartog
Email to: [email protected]
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