Written Teaching Lessons & Text of Sermons
These writings are prepared for use with ease of reading in mind with backgrounds appearing just like web pages to provide a seamless effect like a written Letter. We also have prepared them in a downloadable word document you can print from the site or from a file at a later date if you prefer to download them. The prompt should ask you if you desire to open or save them to your computer. The choice is yours. The Word documents are formatted for printing with out graphics, black print on white backgrounds to save the cost of printer ink supplies. We hope you enjoy, are edified, and enlighten by these labors of love we offer here and you share them with others of like mind, and faith.

Light of the World Ministry Teaching Messages


Light of the World Ministry
Freedom Voice Network
Tony & Martha den Hartog
16 Highview Road, Ferry Creek, Victoria 3786 AUSTRALIA
Email us here