Light of the World Ministries


Freedom Voice Network


Come ye to the Waters of Infinite Supply


There is a place in CONSCIOUSNESS where you will find the fulfillment of all you have need of in this life. 

However, it must be understood that this fullness of life does not come through the 5 sense gates, it can therefore not be observed or obtained in the outer realm of appearances. What ever we observe on the outer is really illusion. Illusion does exist, yes, it is something existing in such a way as to give us a mis--perception of the true nature of things. We must therefore seek the real Kingdom of God which does not come by observation, it is already within you in all its fullness, this is not illusion. It is wonderful! 

  • You see beloved, supply is the activity of LOVE  unfolding in its infinite care to all creation,  without respect of person, e.g. 

  • LOVE lets its rain of goodness fall on the just and the unjust. 

  • Becoming aware of God's PRESENCE as SUPPLY to all your need without asking for anything is putting yourself under GRACE. Trusting in the LOVE activity within your own being is living by the grace of GOD, not by bread alone but by every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God..

The KINGDOM OF GOD is a realm of spontaneous activity, flowing through your consciousness as INVISIBLE SUPPLY, it is wonderful. I must however tell you that up to now there are very, very, few people in this world who have actually made conscious contact with this invisible God,  the source of all good. 

  • The reason why there is so much suffering in this world, is because people in general including CHRISTIANS, have a false concept, or material sense of supply and therefore have a false sense of what GOD truly IS. 

For this reason our relationship to the source of our supply is out of balance and has to be restored, so listen to what the anointing that is already within you teaches you. 

As long as we have the conviction and believe, that our supply comes to us from the outside and we believe GOD can be activated through positive confession or imaging our desires, we are barking up the wrong tree.

 The principles of sowing and reaping are therefore not spiritual principles, it is an activity of the mind we think we can use for our good, but that is also an erroneous concept. Cosmic Law functions as a balancing factor, to warn us when we violate divine Law.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can measure ourselves, IF we are in harmony with the KINGDOM of GOD. By what we experience IN OUR DAILY LIFE, we can know whether  we are under the GRACE OF GOD or subject to the curse of the LAW. E.g.,  if we  experience a continuous calamity in our lives such as disease and lack, we can be sure we are somehow violating  Divine Law, and are therefore out of balance. However, when we are fed up with suffering under the wages of sin, like the prodigal SON we repent, and change our way from the SELF survival syndrome, to putting our self in trust to the LOVE of GOD.

Realizing then that God's Grace is all we need,  it causes us to awaken out of our false sense of self preservation. Now we must make up our mind. Let us  return to the FATHER'S HOUSE, which means we must now learn to abide in God's PRESENCE and be at peace, or live by the law of survival, through the manipulation of the mind. Let us therefore become alert to spiritual TRUTH, and receive the WORD of GOD in our heart, for the Word IS LIFE to those that find it, and HEALTH to all their flesh

Jeremiah saw the activity of God's WORD, it appeared to him as the shoot of an almond branch (the symbol of alertness and activity ) 

Then God said to Jeremiah; "You have seen well, and I am eager to perform that what you see"

This is really an awesome responsibility on our behalf.  We must now only see only the activity of SPIRIT.  We must not  look at the psychic sea of GOOD and EVIL, existing in the universal un-consciousness, the cosmos, we call this world.

  • This world of good and evil, sickness and disease, love and hate is living in duality.  This world  is the oscillating activity of the carnal mind which can never be subject to the GRACE of GOD'S WORD. 

  • If you desire to escape out of this PSYCHIC SEA of human judgment we must develop a sense of receptivity and hear the living Word of God's Grace. We only see, what GOD sees, then only will GOOD be our experience. Do you hear?

When our eye is therefore single, seeing the KINGDOM of GOD as the only governing factor to our experience, our whole body will be full of LIGHT. It is wonderful!  

So we see then that the government of  God is not working for meat, or drink. His Kingdom is RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND JOY, in the HOLY GHOST.

We cannot see and benefit from the GOVERNMENT of SPIRIT, if we still SEE and serve 2 masters: good and evil appearances.

If we see therefore one thing as an evil activity which we assume does all the dirty work, we have a contrast, we have  an opposite to evil, e.g. a good activity called God. We are in darkness, especially if we think God is the author of both good and evil.  Some still teach this and are still blind, to what the NATURE of GOD IS

In truth all activity in human consciousness is in the final analysis a sense of lack, a fear of death.  In Adam we all inherited this sense of separation from the living GOD.  In Adam,  if we remain in this double mindedness  our whole being remains in outer darkness and the inertia of the carnal mind causes us to go deeper and deeper into the darkness of despair, were there will be the gnashing of teeth, do you hear this?

  • Desire for health, prosperity, or success in life is but a product of the human sense of lack. Desire for life in the flesh is  not a spontaneous activity of DIVINE PROVIDENCE. 

  • Later on in this letter you will begin to see how futile man's beliefs are in his attempt to activate God's substance through the process of concentration and visualization. 

 The world of God's creation is already SPIRITUAL and HARMONIOUS, it  is therefore already provided for, it does not need any change or improvement. Nothing can enter into this state of  realized CONSCIOUSNESS that defiles, or makes a lie, it is the Mind of Christ Jesus. This is the feeling of belonging to One Being, the  original creation. This is the MIND of CHRIST in which there is no law of cause and effect functioning. The feeling of Oneness without a sense of guilt or fear  is in perfect HARMONY with DIVINE LAW, it is the immortal Son of God. 

The reason why defilement came into human consciousness was that a belief in an activity separate and apart from GOD, called EVIL entered in. 

This belief in 2 powers, good and evil,  became what is known today as THIS WORLD

Man is now alienated from the Life of God.  In this  state of consciousness Man began to observe the creation of God with finite eyes and died to his true Identity.  Adam now  sees God's Creation as  material, subject to good and evil, consequently lost the consciousness of SPIRITUAL SUPPLY. It was no wonder that Adam began to experience the outworking of what he was beholding. What you behold, you create! (the problem). So then through his sense of mistaken identity a sense of separation and fear of death became the greatest cause of disharmony in his life. Like Job felt when he said:  "What I greatly feared came upon me." 

The wages of a mistaken identity is death. It is the outworking of the law of sowing and reaping. Adams belief in a separate self from our loving God became the oscillating life experience from sometimes good,  to the sometimes evil, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Beloved,  if we continue to judge ourselves and God's supply as material, we pay the wages, which appears in due time as sickness, calamity and lack, do you hear this, it is up to us to hear right.  And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath. 

  • Sometimes what we hear may even appear as good, and  if we obey the law of "as ye sow so shall ye reap we have a certain amount of good in our lives, but if we hear wrong even what you think you have will be taken away from you.

 If a certain amount of so called human love exists in our attitude we sow to the Spirit, but that is not the human norm. As humans there is a constant struggle against overwhelming odds, because most of the time we judge everything by its outer appearance and therefore we will continue to have tribulation. 

The consequences of losing our sense of SPIRITUAL SUPPLY as one activity, which normally spontaneously unfolds as HEALTH, STRENGTH, WISDOM, PROSPERITY and general fulfillment, is a lowering of our consciousness to a MATERIAL FINAL SENSE of SUPPLY, and therefore we bear the consequences of sowing to the flesh. Is this understood?

This material sense of creation is still governing the general CHURCH public today, consequently all prayers of petition which are daily offered up to GOD are without any results. There remains a belief in an opposing power called evil or devil supposedly working against GOD and HIS CREATION, which of course is totally erroneous, there is no opposites to Love and Grace.

However many teachers still entertain this conviction and believe that we can ask God for things such as supply or health,  it is then that  we cut ourselves off from DIVINE PROVIDENCE. Instead of Grace appearing in our lives we experience the wages of sin which is death in all its ugly forms. If we do not wake up in time to our true identity and are born again, death will be the final result. However the Good News is that not even death as we see it today has power to keep us in the grave, it is wonderful! Jesus our Lord demonstrated death to be a non power. Wonderful Grace,  Jesus  rose from IT, He triumphed over the principality's and powers of darkness which was functioning as cosmic LAW in the un-consciousness of Adam. Jesus realized that death is not a power, death as we see it  is therefore not sustained by a constituted Law or Principle.

Death is therefore also an out- working of Cosmic Law, but it is only a temporal power, for God is the ONLY POWER.  Death is not designed by God to be our heritage,  therefore it does not exist as substance or constituted Law. Jesus said:  "In this world you will have tribulation, however be of good cheer, I have already overcome the belief in 2 powers." e.g.:

There is only God, revealing and expressing  Him---Self, as our individual Life and experience which manifests as health, provision protection and whatever else we need as God's offspring.

Conscious awareness of this  activity of Grace is our Salvation, for there is no other God form,  I AM the offspring of God, the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and Truth.

The tribulation we experience in this world is actually the out working of an evil eye, an awareness of materiality which looks at an illusory creation. The evil eye sees it as finite and subject to decay.  When we see creation this way, supply also becomes material in our eyes, however this is not the truth, God's Supply is just as eternal as God's Love who lets His rain fall on the just and the unjust alike. We must hear and see it right, that is all.

In this Light of the Truth, we are now becoming aware of God's infinite Supply. We must change the focus of our eyes and develop a true sense of SUPPLY.  Hear it as SPIRITUAL,  see it as INVISIBLE,  and abstain from manipulating it, through the process of desire. Do you hear this? God's GRACE  cannot be manipulated by the MIND.

SPIRITUAL supply is available to us through God's creative process, functioning through the consciousness of our own being, it does not come from outside, it is an inner activity. As you have already seen, we are going to discuss the PRINCIPLES of SPIRITUAL SUPPLY at length. First we are going to examine what the world calls supply and then we will discover what SPIRITUAL SUPPLY truly is.

We already know, that this world has a material sense of supply, and because of that this world reckons if we could have enough dollars we are considered well provided for. If we experience a certain amount of human health, we may think we have a supply of health. However thinking this is also a false sense of supply, for tomorrow we may lose everything. We must realize, this is also only human judgment, and has therefore also no sustaining Law to keep it that way. Material sense of supply always looks for the external substance called MONEY, for survival. Money is believed to be the order to experience a certain amount of security, in the objective world of sense. However,  spiritual supply is subjective, it is not objective as the world sees it, it is therefore hidden from human scrutiny.

So then,  all supply such as home, motorcar, companionship protection, dollars etc, is not objective or tangible. Spiritual Supply  is an incorporeal substance, invisible to the human eye or ear. 

  • We must therefore not think that GOD knows anything about our need for supply. Remember,  the ABSOLUTE GOD IS ALREADY appearing as all SUPPLY and your perception of it will bring it to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over. It is wonderful!

  • If you have need for a motor car, God will appear as that to you. If you have need for companionship, God will appear as a husband, or a wife. 

  • If you have need for health, or protection, God will appear as all these things for GOD IS.

However, God cannot appear to you if you are still under the jurisdiction of  LAW. We must therefore first develop a SPIRITUAL SENSE OF SUPPLY, in order to benefit from God's Grace.

SPIRITUAL SUPPLY expresses itself spontaneous. Because it is God or your individual awareness of God's Presence that  provides all men, and beast. Through His grace, we take no longer any thought for our lives. We are no longer concerned , for what we shall eat or drink, for God's Grace, is already our sufficiency, it  never runs out.


Eye has not seen, neither has it entered the heart of man, the things which GOD has prepared for them that love, and discern HIM and see His  activity of Grace.(1 CORINT 1:9-10)

We can therefore no longer take thought for our lives, for what we shall eat, drink, or with what we shall be clothed. We no longer try to increase our income, we no longer through thought taking attempt to improve our lot in life. For if we attempt through visualization or goal setting to activate the creative process we sin against the HOLY GHOST. However,  don't get me wrong now, you can set goals, providing you do not think, that you can activate God's INFINITE SUPPLY by your mind activity, for that cannot be done. God already knows what you have need of before you ask, and you also must also know that your own consciousness is your supply for what ever you have need of, it is already within you waiting recognition. 

Remember,  as long as we are aware of lack and you are afraid to go without, you maintain lack in your unconscious mind.  This is our  survival syndrome, and consequently will continue to try do something about it through our mind, for we all think we need something what we think we lack. As long as this sense of lack remains in our mind we stay in the objective material sense of life, and are therefore not abiding in a CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. 

SPIRITUAL SUPPLY is SUBJECTIVE, it is a SPONTANEOUS activity to all, providing all our need, even before we ask.

So asking God for things is therefore sin. In this feeling of lack,  God cannot hear you, and you therefore pray amiss. We always must remember that all things are already ours. All we have to do is to give thanks for God's abiding Presence, and then realize that God lets His  rain fall on the just and the unjust. God or Being----ness  is not a respecter of person. 

Our only desire must be to know God, and through acquainting ourselves with the source of all GOOD, we are delivered from all material Law.

Awaken therefore out of a human  material sense of life. Open your consciousness to a sense were you will know intuitively that all things are already yours, then SPIRITUAL SUPPLY will be realized into our experience.

In Isaiah we read:

Their land is full of idols; they worship the works of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.

  • Money, is one of the idols man has made as an objective source of supply and consequently worship it. Man even fight for it in competitive business and through walking over the top of every body  achieves his  goal. Not only does man try to have as much as they can get of it, they also fear its lack, and sometimes even kill for it.

  •  Jesus said: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the KINGDOM of GOD". 

  • This does not mean that God is against money, no!  GOD does not even know money exist as a separate and alternative supply system to HIS KINGDOM. 

  • When money is estimated as supply, INSTEAD of GOD as the SOURCE of SUPPLY, it does not matter whether we are rich, or poor, we are in DARKNESS and are therefore in IDOLATRY.  

I believe that most people have the capacity within them to recognize that God is the only SUPPLY SOURCE and that the human concepts of supply are but a sense of alienation from the only true God, revealed through Jesus  as the Father of all.

Money then is not evil, but if we trust it to be our security in life, it becomes an IDOL,  it is the LOVE of money, the root of all evil, not money itself! We must therefore not think that money is not necessary in our human experience, we must however rightly understand its place in our lives.

When we in the understanding of God's Grace we prosper, without having to compete with our neighbor or attempt to succeed in business over and above our competitor. Understanding this gives us access to  SPIRITUAL SUPPLY.

Supply is already within you!

Within you is the omni-- purpose consciousness of Christ Jesus, the total unfoldment of your life when you hear His Voice and do not listen to strangers. Locked within you is the store house of infinite SPIRITUAL SUPPLY, giving to you in the beginning. 

Nothing is impossible to those who are in conscious union with the  SOURCE OF ALL SUPPLY, called the eternal "I"the essence of all Being!

However,  the darkness or material  mind cannot comprehend SPIRITUAL SUPPLY

I can therefore personally not blame their hopeless struggle for survival, they can't do better, do you hear?   This struggle for survival appears to be the workings of un--conscious PSYCHIC SEA,  existing in this world as a mistaken identity. Human behavior as we know it in this world seems to be accepted in this society as normal. If they come for your money, give it to them, providing you know that your own sense of Supply as your INFINITE SOURCE is your conviction. However,  don't be a martyr by making yourself subject to their lust for power. No, no, no, even though we must remain harmless as doves, we also must remain as cunning as serpents. 'Dove'  means a proverbial sense of harmlessness which feeling of belonging to One Being is existing in your life. Then you  know the meaning of SPIRITUAL SUPPLY.

  • You know, if any body takes all you have, in the form of external supply, you have already an eternal and invisible source of SUPPLY within you, which nobody can take away from you. It is wonderful!

Jesus demonstrated the consciousness of SPIRITUAL SUPPLY, when He fed 5 thousand people, with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes.  Jesus fed all these hungry people from His own storehouse, (his own awareness of being One Being)  there where 12 baskets full left over, demonstrating the abundance of all things coming from His own consciousness.

  • Did you know that it is not any different with you, especially when you learn the secret of this INFINITE SOURCE of SUPPLY, as the un--foldment of your own consciousness, for then you will never lack again. 

You will also discover, that in this state of AWARENESS, you can feed, and clothe all those that come to you for help. 

They want to touch the hem of your garment,  the GARMENT of a RIGHTEOUSNESS, without Law.

It has been my personal experience, over a period of at least 12 years, that this feeling of "I" without guilt or fear,  has been functioning in my experience.  I have not lacked anything, I  always have plenty left over to share with others, even though it does not always mean the sharing of material substance.

  • Man does therefore not live by bread alone, but lives by every WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD.

I have had the privilege to share God's Word on a Spiritual level with those who desire the BREAD from HEAVEN,  not just bakers bread or physical supply to satisfy their lust for life.

In this ministry of Melchizedeck I  have been revealing a state of being called Christ the Image of God, in which the infinite storehouse of SUPPLY functions. By revealing this to the disciples of this message, their own feeling of  SUPPLY is developed which causes them also to be delivered from LAW.

If any man therefore be in Christ, he or she is a new creation, old things pass away ( The subjective workings of KARMIC LAW in the un-consciousness) then all things have become new. Now  the workings of Grace are now the only workings in us for the GOOD. Consequently, there is now no more condemnation for those who are abiding in this sense of SPIRITUAL SUPPLY, and are past the workings of  law, living in the center of God's perfect WILL.

Abiding in this realm of IS, will assure anybody a harmonious lifestyle to unfold before them. The Christ of their own being goes before them, straightening out the crooked path. God's Presence leads them into green pasture, this awareness of total trust leads them beside the still waters, out of the struggle for survival, into the realization that," the LORD IS my shepherd I shall not want".

  • Never again will you have a sense of lack, for you know now that I can never lack.

  •   GOD is my eternal HOME and SUPPLY.

Love Tony.

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Tony & Martha den Hartog


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