Freedom Voice Newsletters
Testimonies of truth
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Hello friends of those who have a love for truth, below are some replies to our writings and audio's.
Beloved Martha and Tony!
Love, Peace, Wholeness and Holiness in The One who constitutes our True Self. The Fig Tree where we have life abundantly.
Yesterday I was driving back home and it came to me:
“That’s the Key! Jesus, in his ascended status, is not Jew, Greek, Dutch, Brazilian or any other nationality that may have in this world. He now is the One who gathers all nations into ONE. Not One Nation according this world as we know but ONE Celestial Nation that shelters the Multi---membered Body of Christ. This Nation is in this world but is not of this world. It is formed of those who have reached the consciousness level of ‘i’ of myself can do nothing and as a human am nothing. All I am, I AM in Christ. The Logos, or The Word who is God and made himself flesh as me. And Just as IT made it in me IT also made itself flesh in all other human beings who came into this world. It is the essence of ALL; ALL IN ALL. For man there are lots of things that are impossible but for GOD nothing is impossible. All Jesus did, he did as GOD, not as a man.”
A little after arriving home I received a phone call from US. It was Vanilton (vaniltoncoelho in skype), a cousin of my wife, Yara.
It was amazing that he asked me about Jesus being worshiped nowadays in the churches as a man [A Hebrew who lived in this planet about two thousand years ago and is worshipped in cults guided according Moses directions]. About the immortality for this human body and about our status of Sons of God.
I told him about not knowing Jesus as a man anymore, but as a Life---giving Spirit. The Word that is all the time knocking at the door and speaking the words of true. Jesus called us brothers and said that where he was going He would prepare a place for us so that where he IS we may BE also. No with Him but in and as HIM. About immortality of this body I told him it’s not possible because this body is already dead. Our humanity died in that cross with Jesus. As a man, a human being, Ton as well as Vanilton is dead. No one of them can say to a blind man: “your sight is restored” but God can do it. And if God says that the sight is restored it is immediately. And it happens not as “the man was blind and began to see”, as a miracle, but as “a distortion was broken and the man returned to his original state” by the Power of God who doesn't see imperfections in any one of His sons. “And God saw that all He had created was Good and Perfect, and rest”. If you see yourself as Adam you will face impossibilities; but if you know yourself as you are known of your Father and recognize that you are The Son of God in whom He is well pleased, you also are all what He IS, in you and as you abides all the Godhead, and there will not be nothing impossible for you.
Then I understand why that Word came to me while I was driving back home. I talked long to him and gave him your Home page address so he can drink from where I have drunk and have fellowship in the Body of Christ. A complete New Way in freedom and joyfulness, without the law of commandments.
It is written in Hebrews 1:6 “and whenever again he brings in the firstborn in the inhabited [earth], he says: And let all the angels of God worship him.” (Greek Interlinear New Testament, by Alfred Marshal).
The word “Whenever” doesn't appear in other versions I have already seen and brings clarity over the question: “Is only Jesus the Son of God?” All the denominations says it is so but as it is written in John 1:9, “It was the true light [or the Light of the True] that enlightens every man that come into the world”.
You should never be discouraged! Sometimes ago I took the same initiative of sending a letter asking the addressees what were they grasping from the messages I had translated and sent them. They were about 36 and to each one I used to send 3, 4 or even ten booklets (according their own requests). So I think the messages reached about more than 70 people if they really distributed them as they had said they would do.
Only 5 of them answered!
So I stop making booklets and began sending translations via Internet mail. Nowadays I am only listening and reading your messages, but I am ready to restart if called to do it.
A great HUG to all of you!
In Loving Oneness,
Tony...I would like to share the following with you...the author's real name is not known to me, as it was written on a forum I visit regularly....I believe it was written by Father, and I Was guided to read it...
Although the author of this message below is unknown, it is as if I wrote it, it is truth. Love Tony
The Father is our source of life, he begets us. We make contact with Him and we are quickened and receive Life. He is the Father of the Spirit. The Father is the divinity
Of man, the I AM, the Christ mind.
Jesus was the temple of God-the body prepared for divinity. He was the Word made flesh, that is, the embodiment of the Father. The Word made flesh and dwelt among us. The temple is the embodiment of the Father. Without he manifestation: the Father Spirit would have remained the unseen and unknown. Jesus was the place where the in-visible was brought down into the visible. Spirit was slowed down to a point of visibility. God was seen in the flesh. "Now He is the exact likeness of the unseen God-the visible representation of the invisible." Col. 1:18 Amph.
As the embodiment of the Father, Jesus said: My Father is greater than I. Jesus, the Christ knew and declared , My Father and I are ONE. If you have seen Me you have seen the Father. The Father was greater than his embodiment in Jesus. But Christ Jesus was one or equal with the Father in essence, substance, being, nature, and consciousness.
He was able to say:"He who has seen me, has seen the Father." because he had discovered the Father to be his divinity, his consciousness. It was revealed to him that he was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Flesh and blood did not reveal this to Him, indeed, it could not. Flesh and blood is the consciousness in belief of being material, mortal, and carnal being. As Jesus dropped the flesh and blood consciousness, it was revealed that this divinity--the Father, the I AM, Christ mind-was his very own consciousness. It was a process of discovery. It was not the process of becoming the Son of God or a process of being changed into the Son of God. It was a process of discovering who He already was, and had been since the beginning. John 1:1. He was not born into this world as a babe with this revelation. The Father revealed Himself to Jesus as "He awakened him morning by morning, wakened his ear as He learned, opened His ear, and Jesus was not rebellious". Psa 50.
But the wonderful thing is this, Jesus not only discovered that the Father was his very own consciousness, but that the Father is the consciousness of every man, the divinity of every man, the I AM of every man, the Christ mind of every man. He taught us to pray "Our Father". He said: "I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God."
He was proclaiming God, to be, not only his Father, but the Father of every man. Jesus revealed man to be spiritual being, the offspring of God our Father, made in his image and his likeness. Jesus said; "Call no man your Father."
Christ Jesus discovered the Father to be his consciousness, and also the consciousness of every man. But now each one individually must take that journey of discovery and recognition. All things must be brought to our remembrance. This journey is in Christ the way. The Way is prepared, walk ye in it. This journey is not a process of changing into or becoming something other than what we have thought ourselves to be. It is a journey or process of discovering and recognizing and accepting that which we already are-divinity embodied. This is unveiled to us as we drop our flesh and blood sense of being by being wakened morning by morning by Father, by having the ear wakened and opened to hear what the Spirit says unto us, not being rebellious. We would not be rebellious by trying to hold onto and retain our won personal ego, separated life, the flesh and blood consciousness. Only by giving that up can we recognize and lay hold on our true inheritance and divine destiny.
Nobody comes to the Father (consciousness) except he be in the Way-Christ. Comes through, Truth, Christ, and lays hold of Life, Christ. "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by ME."
**I am sustained by the love of GOD**
I believe the Lord will fill you with sweet dreams and visions of the revelation of Him and all He has in store for you both and all the lives He touches thru you. You are blessed!
Ac 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Posted your newsletter, 11:29 AM Sunday here,
You have no idea how you are ministering to me with these timely words of encouragement. I wont share all the details but God is uprooting some awful festering things that have been in my life since forever it seems. Under the law I tried to be good and I repressed these things. As you have helped me understand that I am no longer under the law these things began to come up and be revealed. As in 2Thess2. I am freed of any illusions now that in my flesh dwelleth anything good. Only God is good as Jesus said.
Your timely word of silence for an hour is what I need. I know that only by the brightness of His appearing in me will I be free forever from this which has bound me all my life. Thank you for your faithfulness to Christ. Linda Aguilar
You are constantly moving throughout our spirits, and your words forever come to us as Christ. I want to thank you so much for the book you sent me some time ago. I meant to write before, but I'm not too keen on the Internet. So thank you! Along with your monthly messages, we read it together. Now I just want to say how much we love you. Maybe you hear it from heaven within already as Hannah often starts singing the "I AM" song to you. We miss you and hope to see you again soon.
Tony and Martha den Hartog.
We are here to bless. However, If you do not wish to be on our mailing list please let us know. Love Tony.
De: Light of the World Ministries [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviada em: Domingo, 7 de outubro de 2007 02:14
Para: [email protected]
Assunto: The-Genuine-Coming-of-Christ. and Can we sin against the Holy Ghost?
We are here to bless. However, If you do not wish to be on our mailing list please let us know. Love Tony.