Date |
Newsletter Titles |
Attached File |
11/30/2008 |
508-The Later House |
11/24/2008 |
Shall Know The Truth and The Truth Shall Make You
Free II! |
11/21/2008 |
Removing the Veil of Death |
11/17/2008 |
The Law of the Spirit of Life |
11/14/2008 |
Hearing the Redemptive Word in silent Meditation |
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11/10/2008 |
Transcending the Pain Body |
11/08/2008 |
Entering the Timeless Realm of Now |
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11/06/2008 |
The Nature of God the nature of man and the substance of the universe |
11/02/2008 |
From Fundamentalism to the Pearl of Great Price |
10/31/2008 |
Experience the Miracle Action of God's Word, Through Hearing! |
10/28/2008 |
The Revealed Light bearer |
10/27/2008 |
Who Am I? |
10/24/2008 |
The Spirit OF Consciousness |
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10/23/2008 |
The 5th dimension! |
10/21/2008 |
(Sept. 5, 2008) Christ, the Guiding Principle |
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10/19/2008 |
From Darkness to Light, from fundamentalism to the pearl of Great Price |
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10/17/2008 |
Many are looking toward an ancient pagan Mayan Prophecy |
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10/15/2008 |
Go within and shut the door to the outside and listen with a hearing heart |
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10/14/2008 |
Our Meetings in Jacksonville |
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10/13/2008 |
The Gospel of absolute freedom in Christ Jesus |
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10/12/2008 |
The New Heaven by Michael Nevins |
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10/06/2008 |
Understanding Grace as God Our Supply |
05/26/2008 |
Guilt, the sin against the Holy Ghost? |
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5/25/2008 |
There remains therefore a rest.... |
05/24/2008 |
A creative Meditation in True Being |
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05/21/2008 |
Developing a Healing Consciousness--Part2 |
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05/20/2008 |
Developing a Healing Conscious through knowing the Truth |
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05/16/2008 |
What God is. |
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05/12/2008 |
Jesus, our Vicarious Priest |
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05/10/2008 |
Let this mind be in you. |
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04/18/2008 |
The Five Temporal Kingdoms. |
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04/17/2008 |
Did God lower us into a world of opposites |
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04/14/2008 |
Resist Not Evil! No 2 |
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04/13/2008 |
Resist Not Evil! No 1 |
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04/11/2008 |
The Witness of the Son of God |
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04/10/2008 |
Transcending Human Nativity |
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04/07/2008 |
No man can serve two masters. |
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04/07/2008 |
Let Christ Awake Out of the Dust and be counted! |
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04/01/2008 |
Easter Seminar-------Martha+Tony + Kathy |
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03/27/2008 |
Breaking the seal of death |
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03/25/2008 |
There is a river Way and its streams make glad |
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03/24/2008 |
Let My Eye be Single |
03/23/2008 |
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03/22/2008 |
The Nature and demonstration of Spiritual Power |
03/20/2008 |
The Easter Message |
03/19/2008 |
A Christ--mass in March? |
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03/17/2008 |
A call to be a priest after the order of Melchizedek,... |
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03/16/2008 |
Living between two worlds |
03/14/2008 |
A New Heaven and a New Earth seen at 2 levels |
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03/11/2008 |
Returning to the Everlasting Evangel of Christ Jesus |
03/10/2008 |
Entering into the presence of here and now |
03/08/2008 |
The Language of Spirit+ A woman clothed with the Sun+The Vital Life Principle |
03/06/2008 |
Our Communion in Him! |
03/03/2008 |
The Lord is my sheppard-an exposition on PS 23 |
03/02/2008 |
God feels His Universe As Jesus + Our communion in Christ ... |
02/28/2008 |
The revealed Wisdom of God +This is My Rest Forever |
02/28/2008 |
The Light of Righteousness |
02/23/2008 |
God's agreement to us AS PEACE |
01/31/2008 |
The immaculate conception-the fusion of Spirit and Body |
01/29/2008 |
Pre---existence and Ascension explained |
01/26/2008 |
Life in the only Begotten of the Father, free of guilt and fear... |
01/21/2008 |
Sacrifice you did not Require |
01/18/2008 |
Cognition Beyond word or thought |
01/15/2008 |
Eat of My Flesh and be Satified |
01/12/2008 |
Consciousness" is what I AM--not flesh and blood |
01/09/2008 |
Now is the hour to experience our Christ Heritage |
01/07/2008 |
True-Universal-Reconciliation-Revealed |
01/05/2008 |
Here is a little something on my heart to share. Liz den Hartog |
01/04/2008 |
Invisible Supply |
01/01/2008 |
How great thou are |
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12/31/2007 |
God’s Righteous Cause |
12/28/2007 |
The power of silent listening+the power of the revealed I AM. |
12/21/2007 |
The warm cure of Jesus |
12/20/2007 |
Escaping Mortality and Putting on the New Man |
12/19/2007 |
Come ye to the Waters of Infinite Supply |
12/18/2007 |
Finding the source of infinite supply |
12/16/2007 |
You are blameless in His Sight |
12/15/2007 |
Jesus, the realm of immortality |
12/09/2007 |
The Appearing Peace of Christ in this World |
12/06/2007 |
Resist not evil+Entering into the straight gate |
12/05/2007 |
A word of recognition from the Czech republic.+ Living in the ... |
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12/01/2007 |
Love understood as God + Life without thought |
11/30/2007 |
Take Up Arms or Enter Into Rest? Which? |
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11/18/2007 |
The governing I AM----the Living Presence where all things are new |
11/12/2007 |
I am doing this + Transcending the pain body by the inspired... |
11/07/2007 |
I, the Creature of God Part 2 + Audio "the Way of Love" |
10/31/2007 |
"I" The Creature of God! |
10/31/2007 |
"I" The Creature of God! |
10/29/2007 |
Transcending the Myth of Human Life |
10/27/2007 |
An Ever-enlarging knowledge of the only true God-I AM |
10/18/2007 |
Consciousness unfolding AS the Living Word |
10/16/2007 |
Understanding the Principle of Meditation |
10/13/2007 |
The Easter Message first before Christmas becomes a reality |
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10/11/2007 |
The None Power of Love |
10/09/2007 |
The Pattern Offspring of God/Jesus the given Name |
10/08/2007 |
Testimonies of truth |
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10/07/2007 |
The Genuine- Coming of Christ/ Can we sin against the Holy... |
10/04/2007 |
The Christ message realized in the silence of meditation |
10/01/2007 |
Christ the guiding principle and re--incarnation true or false |
09/30/2007 |
Standing Within/ The Vicarious Absolution |
09/28/2007 |
It is Finished |
09/23/2007 |
Following Jesus into the re------generation |
09/20/2007 |
Is the human mind a creator---or a devil |
09/18/2007 |
We speak what we have seen and heard |
09/17/2007 |
Does God send humanity a delusion in order to... |
09/15/2007 |
In the mouth of three witnesses |
09/14/2007 |
The Gospel of the Kingdom |
09/12/2007 |
Letters of recognition from our mailing list |
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09/10/2007 |
What is God + did God lower us into vanity |
09/09/2007 |
Unveiling-the-Pattern-Offspring |
09/07/2007 |
What God is |
09/04/2007 |
09/02/2007 |
Understanding the causations of Spiritual Law |
08/30/2007 |
What God IS + I-The Principle of immortality |
08/26/2007 |
Developing a Healing Conscious through knowing the Truth. |
08/24/2007 |
The Latter House Glory! |
08/22/2007 |
My Peace I Give Unto You! |
08/20/2007 |
Why do you seek signs? |
08/17/2007 |
The Secret of Life's supply |
08/15/2007 |
Bearing witness to our true relationship with our Father and with each other |
08/12/2007 |
Laying the Foundation of Awareness |
04/01/2007 |
The Gospel of Righteousness+The lamb slain |
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02/14/2007 |
God's Original Idea |
02/10/2007 |
The Scent Of God |
02/03/2007 |
Developing a Hearing Heart |
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11/11/2006 |
He made himself as God |
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