Light of the World Ministries


Freedom Voice Newsletter

Easter Seminar-------Martha+Tony + Kathy

April 01, 2008

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Hi beloved,  Over the last few weeks I have seen the beginning of a great unbiased  unfoldment of our Christ Identity, something that cannot and should not be judged or be afraid of as this is what I believe the new thing,  happening and  is  expressed in many forms of Christianintiy, both the orthodox, the Meta-Physical, the psychological and the Mystical and I am glad for all what is happening as we all will come to the climax of our unfoldment in Christ Jesus.  Many teachers and ministers  are given to us so we can grow in the knowledge of God,  so that we all can grow and understand the Glorious Gospel of Christ Jesus and the reason of His coming.

On my home page   I mention 3 ministries that are now mentioned at Oprah's Blog for our development in Christ.  These teachings  are presented to the whole world and are valuable to us,  as  they are coming from various teachers who have had  deep spiritual insight into various levels of God awareness , namely---Eckhart Tolle - Joel Goldsmith-and I have added Walter Lanyon. These 3 avenues have come to us on a Psychological level shown to us by Eckhart Tolle,  who us showing us what the ego is and how to deal with it at a practical level. Joel Goldsmith gives  us a deeper understanding as to what God IS, what you and I are in relation to the willed action and cause of the universe.

I like what Gary Sigler has presented and you can view it at his message board at   "What about Oprah?"  Read it and see how you relate to all these presentations.
Here is what a sister wrote to me, telling me how blessed she is what she is hearing.
Dear Tony and Martha, I can't even begin to express the joy I have been experiencing in Listening to the messages on your website! Old concepts I had
Previously thought were of God are being dissolved and new life is
Pouring in.  I just wanted to let you know that I am listening and
Experiencing great change, and the peace of God is replacing the
Fear.  After many years of studying the Bible, I thought that I knew
God, but I really didn't yet, not totally.  I was asking God to help
Me know perfect love because I was still experiencing fear.  Thank
You with my whole heart for sharing the revelation knowledge (light)
You have and are!!!!  You are a great encouragement to me and are
Helping me to discern the voice of God with confidence.  I rejoice so
Much in having this connection with you both and with all the people
In your fellowship.  I am so glad that I can listen all the way over
Hear in Florida and be part of your gatherings (from a distance).
With much love to all - Janet Acker
The below Audio teachings are from our seminar we held on Miracle mountain. You can download them and share freely with those who are ready for this new order. Love Tony.






Kathy Fitz


Tony  and Martha den Hartog.


Light of the World Ministry

Freedom Voice Network


Email to: [email protected]

We are here to bless. However, If you do not wish to be on our mailing list please let us know.

Love Tony.

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