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Freedom Voice

AudioTeaching Files

Please enjoy our teachings we offer here we hope will bless all our friends world wide. We offer our services free to stimulate your spiritual growth as we come into the knowledge and the grace and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2Co 4:6

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

If you are not able to listen to, or download these files for later use please contact us by email us here for further assistance in obtaining Tapes, and CD'S via snail mail.

These messages are recorded in the new standard for Internet transfer "MP3" and will play on most new players, Windows Media Player, Version Nine and above, Real Player, and Quicktime Players. The player provided here should play on any browser.


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Audio Files

What's New | 3100s | 3000s | 2900s | 2800s | 2700s | 2600s | 2500s
2400s | 2300s | 2200s | 2100s | 2000s | 1900s | 1800s | 1700s | 1600s
1500s | 1400s | 1300s | 1200s | 1100s | 1000s | 900s and below

Play 1400s Titles
1497-Enquiring into the Truth
1492-A dedicated Consciousness
1490-The-Principle of Non Resitance to all....
1489-The Principle of Grace
1488-Touching the Healing Presence
1487-In search for the True God
1483-Body as a Spiritual Idea
1475-Removing Karmic built up through enlightenment
1472-Induvidual consciousness AS LAW2
1465-Duality exposed as False
1463-The End of Time
1461-I am the Lord that Heales
1460-Bringing fruit unto God
1457B-When Shiloh comes Part 2
1457A-When Shiloh comes Part 1
1456-Filling the Cosmos with My Song
1455-Faith the Substance of all form 2
1455A-Faith the Substance of all form
1472-Understanding the Law of Life
1448-The Error of the Phenomanal World
1441-The Fourth Day
1440-The Fifth Day 2
1439-Recognizing our Freedom in Christ Jesus
1437-The Immaculate Conception No2
1435-The Immaculate Conception
1433-Spiritual Dicernment
1432-Exposing the Serpent realm
1429-Flesh VS Spirit VS Phychic Phenomenah
1424-The Science of Healing
1424-The Science of Healing
1415b-Aquainting ourself in Meditation2
1415a-Aquainting ourself in Meditation
1414b-Faith works by Love
1414a-Standing Within
1412-Christ the Substance of All Living
1402-The Mystical experience
1401-Unction of Intuition


Light of the World Ministry

Freedom Voice Network


Tony & Martha den Hartog


Email us here

© Copyright 2011 by Freedom Voice Network/Fireword Network. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system unless it is copied in it's entirety, and distributed at no charge. It may not be included in any paid publication with out our prior written consent.