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Freedom Voice

AudioTeaching Files

Please enjoy our teachings we offer here we hope will bless all our friends world wide. We offer our services free to stimulate your spiritual growth as we come into the knowledge and the grace and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2Co 4:6

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

If you are not able to listen to, or download these files for later use please contact us by email here for further assistance in obtaining Tapes, and CD'S via snail mail.

These messages are recorded in the new standard for Internet transfer "MP3" and will play on most new players, Windows Media Player, Version Nine and above, Real Player, and Quicktime Players. The player provided here should play on any browser.


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Audio Files

What's New | 3100s | 3000s | 2900s | 2800s | 2700s | 2600s | 2500s
2400s | 2300s | 2200s | 2100s | 2000s | 1900s | 1800s | 1700s | 1600s
1500s | 1400s | 1300s | 1200s | 1100s | 1000s | 900s and below

Play 2600s Titles
2699-Dissolving the Avatar of Personal...
2698-Purging the Heart out of the lies...
2697-A willingness to Listen
2696-No longer IN but A CHRIST
2696-No longer IN but A CHRIST Part2
2695-Escaping the Pain Body
2694-The Nature of Consciousness
2692-Glorying in the Lord
2691-IAM the Only Way
2689-The Apostasy of Religion
2688-Knowing the Knower
2687-The Law of Self containment
2686-Having a love for Truth
2685-The Life was Manifest
2684-Exposing the Persona
2679-Jesus the Bread of Life
2678b-Discovering The real World Part 2
2678c-Discovering The real World Part 3
2678d-Discovering The real World Part 4
2678e-Discovering The real World Part5
2678f-Discovering The real World Part6
2675-Hear ye Heavens and I will Speak
2674-The Secret of Self Containment
2672-Freedom from Moral Law
2669-Obtaining Salvation
2668-Why did this happen to Me
2667-Freedom from Moral Law
2665-The Nature of Spiritual Law
2664-The appearing of Christ AS US
2663-The Anointing Breaks the Yoke
2662-The Pattern Offspring
2660B-Jesus our Abiding Place
2659-Entering God's Rest
2654-Melchizedeck our High priest
2653-Developing a Hearing Heart
2650-Touching the Invisible
2649-Faith works by Love
2648-The Unfolding Lamb Nature
2647-Living beyond the Veil
2646-3Removing the Veil of Personal Sense
2646-1 Removing the Veil of Personal
2645-Now Be the Good Seed of God
2644-The-Immaculate Conception
2643-Chris the Foundation of our Life
2642-Upon This-Rock I Built My Church
2641-YHWH The Father of all
2640-I have a Destiny Not Fate
2639-When Jesus met the Serpent
2638-The Portal into immortality
2637-Life between 2 Worlds
2636-Body made without Hands
2635-Revelation of the Name I AM
2634-The Nature of Spiritual Power
2633-Christ in the Midst of you Is Mighty
2632-Freed from the Curse of the Law
2631-Know Ye Not You Are The Temple
2630-Messiah the Beloved
2629-Our Father
2628-Martha God a Verb not a Noun
2628-Living Free of the Conscience
2625-Call Nothing Unclean
2624-Discerning the True Voice
2623-The Sign of Immortality
2622-The unfolding glory
2621-I Am Redeemed
2617Christ the Heavenly Image
2616-This Is My Rest Forever
2615-The Spirit of Jesus Kathy
2614-Faith works by Love
2613-The Temple of God
2612-Seek the unity of the Spirit
2611-2 states of consciousness
2610-Abiding in the Secret Place
2609-The Nature of man the Nature of God
2608-Beyond Knowledge
2607-The Law of Love
2606-Preparation for Baptism
2605-Life giving Spirit
2601 The Return of the Spirit
2600-A New Heaven A New Earth 6


Light of the World Ministry

Freedom Voice Network


Tony & Martha den Hartog


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© Copyright 2011 by Freedom Voice Network/Fireword Network. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system unless it is copied in it's entirety, and distributed at no charge. It may not be included in any paid publication with out our prior written consent.